SETH Bowden
36 | Vermont Business Rountable | President
Residence: South BurlingtonCareer highlight(s): A lot of the "wins" in public policy or economic development are better understood as marginal gains, so highlights tend to be many little steps that end up trending towards progress. Sometimes it's even more about the prevention of unintended consequences from other well intentioned actions. I've been particularly proud of some of the messaging I've been able to create and share regarding workforce challenges for the state, but the magnitude of the remaining work is significant. We see it reflected in every sector of the economy, and always need to stay grounded that any intervention strategy is impacting the very real challenges/decisions faced by Vermonters every day.
Community Involvement: There's a refrain that you're the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time. I've found some of the most rewarding community opportunities just in talking with friends and family about the things they're passionate about. It's an easy way to learn about programs or organizations that aren't normally on my radar or that aren't immediately work-adjacent.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I was one of those people who moved here for University and decided that this was home. I'm fortunate that leaning into that sense of community has also provided me with professional opportunities.
Favorite part of your job: I get to meet with some of the most dynamic business leaders in our state to discuss challenges and opportunities for Vermont and for Vermonters. We try to get outside of the day to day issues of being an employer and have long term, systemic vision. Every day and every topic brings new ways to think about what's going on in our communities.
What is the best career advice you have received? "There's no job too small." When it comes to getting things done you can't have pride of title, especially in a small organization.
Favorite Vermont escape: We're so lucky in VT to have a vast network of huts that are accessible around the state, and they all provide a jumping off point for other adventures. It's worth exploring a number of them to find what clicks.
Favorite downtime activity: Anything that gets me outside and working hard enough that I stop thinking about anything other than the activity at hand. Mountain biking and backcountry skiing both fit the bill, and have been amazing as pandemic-possible activities.
How has your job changed since this pandemic? The death of distance has been a significant positive departure in how we think about ensuring participation and access. As a statewide organization our ability to collaborate across geographies has been huge.