26 | Center on Rural Innovation | Community Consulting Associate
Residence: RutlandCareer highlight(s): The career highlight I'm most proud of is pursuing graduate studies in public policy at Harvard. As a first-generation college graduate who grew up in poverty, I am incredibly grateful for the
opportunity to receive a word-class education.
Community Involvement: My community involvement includes serving on the Rutland City Board of Aldermen. I became involved in the community very quickly after moving to Vermont. I was encouraged by other Rutlanders to have my voice heard as a valuable resource in our efforts to attract and retain more young professionals. As a member of the board, I serve on several City committees and as a representative to Project Vision and the Otter Creek Communications Union District.
I also serve as a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of the Chamber and Economic Development of the Rutland Region (CEDRR). This opportunity has allowed me to focus on the strategy our local businesses pursue in being inclusive. Prior to moving to Vermont, I served as president of two community service clubs via Kiwanis International in Texas and Ohio.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I was motivated to live and work in Vermont because of the people. Vermonters are hardworking, welcoming, and motivated to better their communities.
Favorite part of your job: My favorite part of my job is bringing critical technical expertise to communities looking to expand opportunity for their residents. Focusing on rural America has allowed me to combat the opportunity gap between rural and urban communities. Doing so with an emphasis on tech-enabled economic development means these communities will be ready for the future of work.
Most inspiring mentor and why: My most inspiring mentor is my father. He came to the U.S. with nothing, built a successful small business, and created a better life for his family. His sense of ambition and independence has inspired me in my own journey.
What is the best career advice you have received? The best career advice I have received is to never underestimate my worth -- always negotiate!
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: Few people know that I taught myself how to play the violin in 9th grade. I played paid gigs as part of a professional musical group during the weekends in high school!
What three words best describe you: Three words that best describe me are innovative, ambitious, and determined.
Favorite Vermont escape: My favorite Vermont escape is Stowe! I love to book a room and explore the area for a quick staycation with my partner!
Favorite downtime activity: My favorite downtime activity is to sing and play guitar! I love to create acoustic mashups of pop songs.
Favorite Super Hero and why: My favorite super hero is Iron Man because I'm a techie at heart.
Favorite Social Media and why: My favorite social media is LinkedIn. I'm constantly using it to see what opportunities are around -- even more than Facebook!
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with: The person I'd most like to share a Vermont beverage with is Bernie!
If you had unlimited access to funds, which cause(s) would you support: The cause I would support is The Trevor Project. Our LGBTQ+ youth face tremendous mental health disparities.
What is the one song on your playlist that are you embarrassed to tell your best friend? The song on my playlist I would be embarrassed to tell my best friend is Driver's License by Olivia Rodrigo.
Where do you see yourself professionally in the next 5-10 years? In the next 5-10 years I see myself in an executive-level role and/or managing my own firm.
What career goal(s) would you like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years? The career goals I'd like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years are starting a business and seeking higher elected office.
How has your community service changed since the pandemic? My community service during the pandemic has changed in that it's been focused more on adaptive leadership and offering support on transitionary issues.
How has your job changed since this pandemic? During the pandemic, my job has changed in that it is entirely remote. Going remote has actually allowed my firm to find qualified applicants from around the country!