TOM Gilbert
Tom Gilbert
Career Highlights:
Highfields Center for Composting - Executive Director, Program Director
University of Vermont - Adjunct Faculty, Compost Ecology and Management
Riverside Farm - Field Hand
Vermont Compost Company
Evergreen Community Gardens - Coordinator
Dutton's Farm - Field Hand
Ayers Farm - Field Hand
Community Involvement:
Composting Association of Vermont - Vice President
Center for an Agricultural Economy - Board Member
Hardwick Town Manager Community Review Board - Member
NOFA-Vermont Farmer Correspondence Program
Volunteer Education
Favorite part of job? - creative problem solving, developing systems and strategies, and being inspired by dynamic biological systems
Most inspiring mentor? The Earth and my kids
Who is your living hero? Lots of tireless, committed farmers, community organizers and mission-based entrepreneurs
Favorite downtime activity? Biking or hiking with my kids
Favorite Vermont Escape? too many – mountains or rivers
Favorite social network? Buffalo Mountain Coop aisles
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? John Todd
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Tom Gilbert and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >