Trisha Hunt
Career Highlights:
Radiation Oncology Manager, Central Vermont Medical Center
Assistant Chief Radiation Therapist / Manager (added)
Clinical Coordinator
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Radiation Therapist/Simulation Therapist,
Clinical Coordinator (added)
JFK Medical Center Radiation Therapist
Intracoastal Health Systems Radiation Therapist
21st Century Oncology
Radiation Therapist
Community Involvement:
American Cancer Society, Relay for Life
Stowe Weekend of Hope
Boy Scouts events
School-related functions
Favorite part of job? My favorite part of my job is the combination of patient care and administrative responsibilities. In my role as Radiation Therapist, I feel a sense of accomplishment from helping patients through their radiation therapy treatments. This is a very challenging time during ones life and having the opportunity to use my expertise in a caring manner makes me want to be a better person. As a manager, I enjoy the challenge of coordinate resources on behalf of the department. I enjoy working with other departments to enhance procedures on behalf of the organization and the overall patient experience.
Most inspiring mentor? My most inspiring mentor is Harriet St.Laurent, the Chief Radiation Therapist as Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. When I was a Radiation Therapy student in 1995 at DHMC, Harriet inspired me to push myself and accomplish my goals. She planted the seed that I would be a good manager. When she became my boss in 2003, she worked with me to progress my strengths, while acknowledging my weaknesses. In my seven years at DHMC, she encouraged me to increase my professional and technical skills.
Who is your living hero? At this time, my living heros are the Intensive Care physicians and staff at Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington, Vermont. My father became very ill last winter/spring and spent over a month in the ICU unit. During that time, his prognosis was dismal, with only a 10% chance for survival. The staff at FAHC went above and beyond the call of duty, working in ways that are miraculous. This team of professionals was honest, forthright, and compassionate in the delivery of care. Although the odds were against my beloved family member, they were realistic, but gave us a sense of hope. After ICU, my father was in rehab for another month. Now, six months later, he’s considered fully recovered. His health has improved so that he enjoys his grandchildren, traveling, and his game of golf!
Favorite downtime activity? My favorite downtime activity is being outside, doing gardening and enjoying my family. We live in the country so we enjoy 4-wheeling, snowmobiling, and playing outside with our two German Shepherds.
Favorite Vermont Escape? My favorite Vermont Escape would be going fishing with my children.
Favorite social network? I don’t have a favorite social network; I prefer the old-fashion phone calls and letters from the USPS.
Favorite website? I like to go online to MSN to see the latest news, gossip, and crazy stories. Unfortunately, my most visited website is Franklin Pierce University where I’m finishing up my Masters degree in Business/Leadership, but it’s not my favorite J.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? I am honored to have been chosen as one of the recipients of this award and cannot identify one sole person that I’d like to network with. I’d like to network with any one of the candidates for they’re unique in their own way in their contributions to business and their community. I’m sure that I can learn a trick or two from any one of the candidates.
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, (accepting for Trisha Hunt) and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >