TUCK Rainwater
Tuck Rainwater
Career Highlights:
Comcast's Director of Government & Community Relations for Vermont and Western New Hampshire. I lead Comcast's government and regulatory relations program and spearhead Comcast's community investment activities in Vermont. 2010 graduate of the Snelling Center for Government's Vermont Leadership Institute. Prior to Comcast,
Previously Sirotkin & Necrason in Montpelier working as a government affairs and public relations advisor to numerous clients, including businesses, nonprofits, and trade associations.
2006: campaign manager to gubernatorial candidate Scudder Parker.
2003 graduate of Vermont Law School.
Community Involvement:
Tuck currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Boys & Girls Club of Burlington and the Institute for Global Ethics. He was recently elected to the Board for Spectrum Youth & Family Services. Tuck also serves on the Resource Development Committee for the United Way of Chittenden County. He is active with the Vermont Business Roundtable and the Snelling Center for Government, and has served on numerous community advisory boards and commissions in Chittenden County.
Favorite part of job? My job takes me to all corners of Vermont and I enjoy working closely with organizations and individuals wherever I go. Comcast is a great place to work, and being surrounded by the fast pace of innovation is exhilarating.
Most inspiring mentor? I have learned the most from my late parents. I'll be forever grateful to them for instilling in me a strong work ethic, a drive to keep learning, and a desire to give back to the community where I live.
Who is your living hero? The everyday Vermonters who selflessly rose to the occasion - neighbor helping neighbor, business helping business - to get our state on the path to recovery from the devastating impacts of the 2012 storms, especially Irene.
Favorite downtime activity? Playing outside with my wife and three kids.
Favorite Vermont Escape? It's really hard to choose. Being outside in Vermont is awesome pretty much all the time.
Favorite social network? LinkedIn
Favorite website? www.nbcnews.com
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with? Mary Powell
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, Tuck Rainwater and Pat Moulton Powden, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Community Development< Last Next >