William J. Dodge
Career Highlights:
A director at the law firm Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC, Dodge provides legal services related to telecommunications law, environmental and land use development, electrical energy and telecommunications siting and cross-border issues for clients with operations in Vermont, New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts. During his 10 years at DRM, he has secured permits for the construction and modification of over 250 communications facilities, including more than 50 this year using the Public Service Board’s new expedited permitting process. Will also maintains a strong interest in international and cross-border practice, including country of origin labeling requirements and cross-border financing transactions. He serves as the hiring director for the firm. Dodge graduated from the University of Texas School of Law in 1999, and clerked with the Hon. H.L. Hudspeth, District Judge for the Western District of Texas, before joining DRM in 2000. Dodge is an associate member of the Vermont Board of Bar Examiners, which is selected by the Vermont Supreme Court to evaluate the skills, character and fitness of lawyers and to write and grade the state bar exam. He was recently appointed by Gov. Jim Douglas to serve on the Vermont Commission on International Trade and State Sovereignty, which conducts an annual assessment of the legal and economic impacts of international trade agreements on state and local laws, state sovereignty and the business environment. Dodge is also a member of the Regional Affairs Committee of the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation. DRM is a full-service law firm with more than 60 attorneys and six offices in Vermont, New Hampshire and New York. DRM provides legal services to local, national and international clients in practice areas that include bankruptcy and business restructuring, business law, captive insurance, energy and telecommunications, family law, health law, intellectual property, labor and employment, litigation, real estate and land use, environmental law, tax law and trusts and estates. The firm represents clients in legislative, regulatory and public affairs through the Government and Public Affairs Group. DRM is the law firm member for Vermont of Lex Mundi, the world’s leading association of independent law firms.
Community Involvement:
Associate member of the Vermont Board of Bar Examiners
Vermont Commission on International Trade and State Sovereignty
Regional Affairs Committee of the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation.
Favorite part of job? Travelling to towns and villages in Vermont / New Hampshire to appear before commissions, planners, and selectboard members to discuss siting projects. I have tremendous admiration for the volunteers on local and state boards who have to consider the balance between the benefits of reliable infrastructure and the desire to preserve Vermont’s aesthetic and natural resources.
Most inspiring mentor? Allen Martin, Esq., one of the founding members of Downs Rachlin Martin, was an amazing person to work with as a young lawyer. Above all, Allen has an ability to infuse in others his passion for solving his clients’ most complicated, difficult projects.
Who is your living hero? Despite his recent fall in popularity, President Obama is an inspiration to me for his public speaking abilities, his writing, and the rigor with which he approaches problem-solving.
Favorite downtime activity? Undertaking infrastructure-related projects like Lego™ and “Rivers, Roads and Rails” with my 4 and 6 year old sons.
Favorite Vermont Escape? In winter, Smugglers’ Notch in March when the snow begins to soften. In summer, spending time at Sandbar State Park, North Beach, and anywhere else I can get to on Lake Champlain.
Favorite social network? Linked-in: It’s a terrific way of matching a name on a conference call to a face.
Favorite website? VPR.net: It’s a terrific news source, and a great way to pull up podcasts for my daily Essex-to-Burlington commute.
Vermont Business Person you would most want to network with?Jake Holzscheiter, President and CEO of A.N. Deringer
John Boutin, VBM Publisher, William J. Dodge and Governor Jim Douglas< Last Next >