Alex Kelley
33 | Director of Broadband Consulting, Rural Innovation Strategies, Inc.
Residence: WindsorCareer highlight you are most proud of:
I started the broadband consulting service line at Rural Innovation Strategies, Inc, and been able to grow it to employ and mentor many other young rural professionals from Vermont and across the country over the past 6 years. Knowing that I helped so many people along their career path in some way or another by enabling them to have aspirational careers that take them around the country, but allow them to live where they want, is my proudest accomplishment.
Community Involvement:
I am the Chair of the Windsor, Vermont Planning Commission — which is a volunteer position that has taught me immense amounts about how local government, housing developers, and housing policy interact. I also volunteer at yearly fundraisers for groups like the Windsor Library and Hartland UU church.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont?
I love the seasons, the landscape, and the strength of community in Vermont.
Favorite part of your job:
The impact of the work is important - but the people I work with is the most important part and most inspiring part of the job.
Most inspiring mentor and why:
My mom and dad both work harder than anyone I know, and have devoted their lives to making the world a better place. One could as for no better role models and mentors.
What is the best career advice you have received?
Find the person doing the most interesting, aspirational work you can, and then figure out a way to work for them in whatever capacity they will hire you for.
What three words best describe you:
Curious, extroverted and goofy.
Favorite Vermont escape:
Skiing alone in the woods — anywhere.
Favorite Vermont season:
Favorite downtime activity:
Favorite Social Media:
What is your favorite smell?
Fresh bread.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with:
Paul Simon.
If you had unlimited access to funds, which cause(s) would you support:
Affordable housing.