Brendan Hughes
31 | President & Co Founder, St. Johnsbury Distillery
Residence: CaledoniaCareer highlight you are most proud of:
The career highlight I'm most proud of is leading my company, St. Johnsbury Distillery, through an acquisition of Dunc's idea Mill. I learned a lot and it was the start of a very successful company.
Community Involvement:
My community involvement includes largely marketing and enhancing the Town of St. Johnsbury. I serve on the Select Board and I serve as President of Discover St. J which is out town Downtown Organization. I am also involved in many community projects like a free concert in town held in early June, non-profit events like golf outings, and much more.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont?
I was motivated to live and work in Vermont because it is where i was born and raised. As many of my friends in high school couldn't wait to leave, I on the other hand could wait to come back. I want to be a driver for economic growth in St. Johnsbury and the North East Kingdom.
Favorite part of your job:
My favorite part of my job is experimenting with new products and working through R&D. I also really enjoy the people to people interaction I am involved with everyday. I get to meet a lot of interesting people and promote my hometown through Vermont through various farmers markets, craft shows, and events.
Most inspiring mentor and why:
My most inspiring mentor is probably my dad who also started his own company in St. Johnsbury. I have learned a lot about business from him.
What is the best career advice you have received?
The best career advice I have received is it is not all about the career. It is more important to make time for family and friends - make sure your career doesn't monopolize all your time.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know:
Few people know that my background is in ornithology and I know a lot about North American birds.
What three words best describe you:
Three words that best describe me are listener, problem solver, and student.
Favorite Vermont escape:
My favorite Vermont escape is Lake Willoughby, a beautiful place to relax and enjoy the water and sights.
Favorite Vermont season:
My favorite Vermont season is fall of course!
Favorite downtime activity:
My favorite downtime activity is golfing.
Favorite Social Media and why:
I don't have a favorite social media as I try to limit as much as possible, but in a business sense, we get more engagement on Facebook.
What is your favorite smell?
My favorite smell is fresh cut grass.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with:
The person I'd most like to share a Vermont beverage with is probably my grandfather who passed when I was very young.
If you had unlimited access to funds, which cause(s) would you support:
The cause I would support is my alma mater St. Johnsbury Academy to continue its legacy of providing an amazing learning opportunity for our local students. I would also support a local non-profit organization called SullyCat which helps current cancer-fighting families.
What one song is on your playlist that are you embarrassed to tell your best friend:
The song on my playlist I would be embarrassed to tell my best friend is the theme song to the Disney movie Moana
Where do you see yourself professionally in the next 5-10 years?
In the next 5-10 years I'd like to start another business to help St. Johnsbury and the Northeast Kingdom. I would also like to start working on building improvements in our area to increase homes and living spaces for people to relocate here.
What career goal(s) would you like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years?
The career goals I'd like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years are possibly going back to school for doctorate study.