Amy Tatro
36 | Director of Administration, GW Tatro Construction
Co-Founder, Jenna's Promise
Residence: LamoilleCareer highlight you are most proud of:
The career highlight I'm most proud of is the pilot program I created for Jenna's Promise. This is a three year, $1.5M program that has allowed Jenna's Promise to grow staff, take on more residents, and create a workforce development program. It has been a crucial piece to the development of the program and was its own item in the Governors Budget.
Community Involvement:
My community involvement includes being the chair of the Johnson Health Clinic board. This is a group that helps people receive medical care where they are at. They currently have offices in Johnson and Burlington and specifically work with homeless, people with substance use disorder, and high level of needs. I have been their chair for the last year.
My other community involved is Jenna's Promise. I am a co-founder and have helped develop programs, receive grants, community outreach, and more. I have consistently helped more in the backend/admin side of things. I am also on their board and have been secretary for two years now.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont?
I was motivated to live and work in Vermont because of the community and beauty all around. It is where I went to college and from there knew I was meant to be here longer.
What is the best career advice you have received?
The best career advice I have received is nothing at work will ever be a 10 on the scale of terrible things that can happen to you so keep it all in perspective and your ability to handle challenges and make decisions will be easier.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know:
Few people know that I used to compete in gymnastics when I was much younger.
Favorite Vermont season:
My favorite Vermont season is the fall. The crisp air and beautiful colors of nature changing makes fall the best season
Favorite downtime activity:
My favorite downtime activity is watching a good television show/movie or getting my art supplies out and creating something new.
What is your favorite smell?
My favorite smell is the smoke of a wood stove in the air, especially at the beginning of the fall/winter season.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with:
The person I'd most like to share a Vermont beverage with is my father who recently passed so I can say thank you and goodbye.