Alicia Utter
33 | Owner, Arbor Farmstead & Arbor Farm Market
Residence: Grand IsleCareer highlight you are most proud of:
I am proud of the throughline of evolution in my businesses: from leasing land and selling at farmers markets to acquiring a farm and building an on-site farmstand and CSA delivery program (during the pandemic) – and now operating a brick and mortar year-round retail market today.
Community Involvement:
I have the privilege of being involved with various community organizations, including current roles with: the Vermont Working Lands Enterprise Board (Vice-Chair); the Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers Association (Board Member); and the Champlain Islands Food Shelf (Vice-Chair).
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont?
When I initially came to Vermont, my intention was to remain here for 6 months to complete the UVM Farmer Training Program. That was over a decade ago; I couldn’t bring myself to leave once immersed in the community, culture, and landscape of Vermont.
Favorite part of your job:
What makes my work possible, and is a highlight of my job, are the wonderful people that I get to connect with each day: ranging from a vibrant network of talented New England farmers/makers to the supportive community that brings life to the Market and keeps our doors open.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know:
As a child, I used to film and narrate ‘documentaries’ of the fish in my aquarium…I later went on to earn a college degree in marine science!
Favorite downtime activity:
A favorite reprieve of mine is meandering along the Islands shoreline with my two rescue dogs. Though we often take the same path, each visit offers different perspectives and experiences given the lakeshore’s vacillations.
What is your favorite smell?
I cherish the smells that are the ephemeral beacons of each season: the first pungent ramps to emerge in the forest come springtime; the aromatic tomato greenhouse as the plants vine into summer; the minerality of leaves settling into the forest floor in autumn; and the smoke of the farmhouse woodstove in the wintertime.
If you had unlimited access to funds, which cause(s) would you support:
I am a passionate advocate of animal welfare and food justice and would continue to support entities/individuals doing impactful and equitable work in both of these realms, with emphasis on grassroots organizations.
What career goal(s) would you like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years?
Over the coming years, a central career goal of mine is manifesting sustainability that expands beyond land stewardship to encompass livelihood, too (improved work-life balance; financial stability; a living wage for all employees, etc.).