Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I'm a karaoke superstar. My song of choice: "Whose Bed Have Your
Boots Been Under?" by Shania Twain.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Cabot, VT is magical after a heavy snowfall. Everything is covered in white and the majesty of Vermont is on display.
Favorite Downtime Activity: There is nothing I find more peaceful and enjoyable than fishing on a Vermont lake, river, or pond without a care in the world. It's my happy place.
Favorite Super Hero: Who can choose just one? I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Storm- she was the first hero I saw that looked anything like me and she rocks at everything she does.
Favorite Social Media: Definitely Facebook. I like to think I'm Facebook popular.
What is the best career advice you have received? Just say yes.
Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years? Wherever my career takes me, I aspire to constantly champion the rights of those who lack a voice and promote access for the underrepresented. That's when I know I'm doing fulfilling work.
Career Highlights:
Panelist, Screening of "The Mask You Live In," Peace & Justice Center, October 2015
Featured Panelist, "Giving Voice to the Pain: Black Lives Matter" at The University of Vermont, January 2015
Staff Woman of the Year, University of Vermont Women's Center, March 2014
Community Involvement: I have served on the Board of Directors for Vermont Community Access Media (VCAM) for the past 4 years and currently serve as the Chair. I've also volunteered with Girl Develop It- Burlington, and Code for BTV. I've been a member of the Williston Seventh-Day Adventist Church for more than 11 years and been active in various parts of the ministry.