Company: SunCommon
Title: Solar Community Orgainzer
Age: 23Favorite Part of Job? My favorite part of my job is connecting with Vermonters from all walks of life to help break down the barriers for them to go solar.
Whether I meet people because their kids are bouncing in the solar powered bouncy house, or they come to a wine and cheese Solar 101, or they just give me a call wanting questions answered- each interaction is interesting and motivating.
Most Inspiring Mentor: Professor Alfred "Tuna" Snider, the late University of Vermont Professor Emeritus of Speech and Debate and one of my best friends. Tuna was driven to make the world a better place by giving people the tools to speak truth to power with their own voices. He was both larger than life and down to earth.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I can blow up two balloons at once with my nose.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Kilowatt Park North in the village of Wilder in my hometown of Hartford. Sitting out on the boat launch looking out at the Connecticut River is incredible.
Favorite Downtime Activity: I love hanging out on my back porch with my partner and my cat Ms. Kitty.
Favorite Super Hero: I have always liked Storm from Marvel Comics.
Favorite Social Media: I love snapchat because it gives me funny updates of friends and family.
Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: I would love to sit down with the honorable Governor Madeleine Kunin for a glass of wine and just pick her brain.
What is the best career advice you have received? You cannot be your best work self without taking time for yourself. Not getting burnt out and staying positive is key, and having a work place like SunCommon that lets me have PTO when I need it for health and leisure makes that possible for me.
Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years? I see myself with my values in the driver's seat continuing to work to make Vermont the best place to live.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I am one of the lucky ones who was born in the place they are meant to be. I am motivated to continue to make Vermont a place I want to live in, and to provide that to future generations.
Career Highlights: I have a lot of career highlights from working with SunCommon for the last 2 and half years, mainly because the solar coaster keeps you on your toes! A few highlights would be:
- Hosting my first solar house party, where I called my supervisor a bit panicked worried it would be a flop but ultimately it was a big success.
- Figuring out how to directly address concerns in a professional way during open presentations, all the while staying approachable and friendly.
- Being a part of doubling the number of solar homeowners in Springfield, Vermont.
Community Involvement: After graduating from UVM I returned to my hometown as a newly elected Select Board member at the age of 20. At that point I worked on numerous community initiatives, and became active politically in multiple social justice campaigns. I believe that public service is the most important form of community involvement. One reason I believe that is because public service means being a catalyst for change and speaking truth to power. I am very privileged to have the ability to serve as an elected official and I work to promote disenfranchised populations to have access to local government. I focus my efforts on young women, low income Vermonters, and people of color in our communities. I do this by being an alumni and supporter of Emerge Vermont, organizing other women and young people to run for office, and with my service to the Vermont League of Cities and Towns board. Finally I am an active member of the Unitarian Universalist faith community, and a member of the First Universalist Society of Hartland.