BRIAN Walker
Favorite Part of Job? It is a pleasure working with my fellow employee/owners while providing top quality service to our customers. I enjoy coming up with innovative technical solutions
that meet schedule and budget requirements for our customer’s construction projects.
Most Inspiring Mentor: I have been fortunate to have many inspiring mentors, but if I had to pick one, it would be Kevin McCarthy, President of PC Construction. Kevin has always been available to provide advice, guidance, and encouragement while helping me grow professionally within PC. From his open management style to his contract negotiation skills, Kevin has set an example that I strive to emulate on a daily basis.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I own a 1950 Ford 8n tractor that I have been working on restoring. Hopefully, only a few more summers and I will have it done!
Favorite Vermont Escape: After a long week of traveling for work, I always look forward to coming home to beautiful Fairfax and spending time with my family.
What is the best career advice you have received? My father told me just before I started my first days with PC that to be successful I needed to “Be the first to work, the last one to leave, and work harder than anyone else.”
Career Highlights: A major highlight in my career has been the involvement in PC Construction’s recent pursuit and award of the City of Atlanta’s Water Supply Program, which at $300 million, is now the company’s largest single project. From the involvement in Business Development, Marketing, Estimating, Pre-Construction, Contract Negotiation, and into Construction Operations, this project is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Another highlight of my career has been in the development of people. I enjoy training people for specific jobs and being able to share my knowledge and experience with them as they continue to develop in their own careers.
Community Involvement: My wife and I enjoy helping children and families in our community from building musical and theatrical sets at local elementary schools to opening our home as foster parents. Most recently, we have been fortunate enough to have two sisters, ages 2 and 7, join our family for the past year. We want to be able to provide children with as many opportunities as possible to be healthy, happy, and successful.