REED Wilcox
Favorite Part of Job? Nothing is more gratifying to me, and humbling, than helping people I care about reach their goals with
the trust they have placed in my hands. Over time, the relationships with my clients have evolved into friendships. It never feels like work when you get to do it
with friends!
Most Inspiring Mentor: Abraham Lincoln for sure. That guy failed so many times at so many things, but he never gave up. For example, one of my favorite quotes of Lincoln's...
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.”
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: After college, I worked a Summer in Yellowstone National Park as a horse wrangler.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Warren Falls and Jay Peak are probably my favorite places to escape to. Alternatively, anywhere that has the most snow!
Favorite Downtime Activity: I really love to cook! Enchiladas are my specialty...
Favorite Super Hero: My favorite superhero is Batman, hands down. Just watch the Christopher Nolan Batman movies if you don't believe me!
Favorite Social Media: Word of Mouth haha.
Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: John Muir or Warren Miller.
What is the best career advice you have received? Always be honest, ethical, and do the right thing. It never goes out of style.
Where do you see yourself professionally in ten years? I see myself with the same firm, doing the same thing! I have the best job in the world!
Career Highlights: Some highlights of my career include being named the new Financial Advisor Coach for all of Vermont. I remember how tough it was getting started in the business and how much it meant having someone to be there for me. It is very humbling to have that come full circle and be able to give back.
Community Involvement: I serve as the Secretary and the chair of the Foundation Committee for The Rutland City Rotary Club.
I am a board member of The Rutland County Women's Network and Shelter as well as a board member of Rutland Young Professionals.
Every Thursday during the school year, I volunteer at The Boys and Girls Club of Rutland. I have done this for 3 or 4 years and have built up quite the posse of friends! We play Legos, tag on the playground, video games, etc. My time at the BNG club is probably the most rewarding thing I have done. They are great kids and it's a pleasure to be able to get to know them.