JEAN Hamilton
38 | ShiftMeals - Skinny Pancake | ShiftMeals Director
Residence: Plainfield
Career highlight(s): In 2013 the Dalai Lama visited The Knoll, a garden I helped start when I was a student at Middlebury College. It was an extraordinary honor to meet His Holiness and share his company with my treasured friends and co-gardeners.
Community Involvement: Most of my community service takes place on boards and committees because I have come to understand that not everyone loves governance as much as I do. That said, I generally keep an eye out for ways to support my friends and neighbors as I fully believe in the value of the gift economy. Some of the initiatives that are most important to me are supporting vibrant
rural economies, uplifting marginalized voices, providing financial resources to those oppressed by toxic capitalism, and expanding access to farm fresh foods.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? When I moved to Vermont I was struck by the opportunity to be in relationship with my neighbors. That felt special in contrast to my childhood in the suburbs.
Favorite part of your job? My team, zoom calls, and working with food.
Most inspiring mentor and why: John Lewis. What a courageous man. "And when you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation, a mission, and a mandate to say something."
What is the best career advice you have received? The best career advice I have received is from my dad: never do the bare minimum.
Favorite Vermont escape: My favorite Vermont escape is Mt Abe.
Favorite downtime activity: My favorite downtime activity is napping.
Favorite Super Hero and why: Black Panther because, Chadwick Boseman! RIP.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with: My boyfriend, James.
If you had unlimited access to funds, which cause(s) would you support: The cause I would support is world peace.
What one song is on your playlist that are you embarrassed to tell your best friend: Yogic chanting.
What career goal(s) would you like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years? The career goals I'd like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years are work less, help Vermont send a woman to congress, and make over $125,000 in a single year.
How has your community service changed since the pandemic? Sh*t got real.