Favorite Part of Job? No two days are the same. News is dynamic. I never know whose personal story of struggle or triumph
I will tell. I love the unpredictability of my day.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know: I've lived in eight different states. Experiencing life in New Jersey, Mississippi, Florida, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Vermont helped shaped the person I am today.
Favorite Vermont Escape: Nothing tops fall in Vermont, so Shelburne Orchard is my favorite escape. There's something comforting in the rows of fruit trees surrounded by the soundtrack of squealing children.
Favorite Downtime Activity: Yoga is my saving grace. It's an hour to forget daily stressors while focusing on mind, body and soul.
Person you would like to share a Vermont beverage with: My husband. Life is hectic. At the end of the week there's no one I'd rather crack a craft beer with than my best friend.
What is the best career advice you have received? When you feel stuck, make a change. Don't be afraid to fail. Fear never taking chances.
Career Highlights: Landing a job at WCAX launched my career. From there, hard work and a series of talented mentors shaped me into the award winning journalist I am today. The highlight reel includes winning an Edward R. Murrow award for my Tropical Storm Irene coverage, Emmy nominations for "Odd Jobs" and Vermont's opiate crisis, as well as being chosen as a fellow for the New England First Amendment Coalition Institute.
Community Involvement: As Channel 3's investigative and consumer reporter, my main charge is to fight for the community, exposing government waste and protecting people from scams. On a personal note, I've spent many years committed to international volunteering, building Lorena Stoves in Mexico, working in a Leprosy hospital in Guyana and collaborating with ex-gang members in El Salvador to protect at-risk youth through positive community development.