LINDSAY DesLauriers
Favorite Part of Job? The best thing about my work is how creative it lets me be. Between building and designing a state chapter, the dynamic nature of working with so many business
owners and entrepreneurs, and the variety that comes with working in policy and politics - no day is the same and I love figuring out how to get
from here to there.
Most Inspiring Mentor: I really don't have one single person who stands out as an example above the rest. Several mentors have punctuated my life at different stages and shaped how I approach my career, but my steadiest and most reliable consultants are my mom and dad.
Favorite Vermont Escape: There's nothing quite like sailing on Lake Champlain or a quiet ski in the woods on a sunny winter morning.
Favorite Downtime Activity: Reading novels.
Career Highlights: Founding the Vermont chapter of Main Street Alliance is far and away the greatest highlight of my career so far. It has been and continues to be truly challenging and exciting. Making the strange leap into politics and advocacy was an unexpected right turn in my life and I'll forever be grateful to Voices for Vermont's Children for the opportunity. Finally, seeing the VT legislature pass the Paid Sick Days bill this spring with so much input from MSA business owners was extremely gratifying.
Community Involvement: I'm really excited about becoming a board member of the Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center. Our beautiful lake should be accessible to everyone who lives here and a natural playground for all the kids. It's great to be a part of this organization as it grows.
I've also found politics to be a great avenue to reach kids and young adults. I enjoy volunteering with schools groups that come to visit the statehouse to talk about the legislative process and show them the many different ways that they could get involved in public policy.