SARAH Lafferty
31 | The White Market | Co-Owner
Residence: Lyndonville
Career highlight(s): 2020 has been the most difficult year of my career. It also brought me two of the highlights of my career I'm most proud of. Being a leader in 2020 can be terrifying. Being a leader in a grocery store in 2020 feels like being trapped in a washing machine that keeps hitting spin cycle. The way my team rose to the occasion, took care of our community, and took care of each other amidst chaos and uncertainty has made me the most proud I've ever been of my team and my business. 2020 is also the year we started a new program called "Coins for Community" giving our customers the ability to round to the nearest dollar to donate to a local cause.
This year our customers have already raised over $100,000 for local organizations. I couldn't be more grateful for or more proud of our community.
Community Involvement: My community involvement includes a long list of positions on executive boards, committees, and as a corporator for local organizations. My most noteworthy positions are becoming the 3rd generation in my family to hold the position of president of the Lyndon Area Chamber of Commerce and being a co-founder and board president for Northeast Kingdom Preschool and Childcare, a non-profit childcare center in Lyndonville.
My parents and grandparents taught me that if you want a nice community you have to invest not just your money but your time, energy, and efforts. I took that message to heart and as a result there's a good chance if something is happening in Lyndonville I've got my nose stuck in it somewhere.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont? I grew up deeply rooted in my community and my family business. When my husband and I started our family there was only one the place in the world I could imagine raising my kids and only one job in the world I wanted to do.
Favorite part of your job? I really enjoy the flexibility, fast pace, and unpredictability of being self employed. I love the combination of never knowing what the day will bring and having the freedom to follow whatever has captured my attention each day.
Most inspiring mentor and why: My most inspiring mentor is my grandfather. He was the epitome of what a business owner, community leader, and grandparent should be. My dad and I have each put our own spin on following in his footsteps as community members and business owners, but the values he taught us are at the forefront of everything we do. I'm incredibly proud to carry on the traditions they started in our community and our business.
What is the best career advice you have received? The best career advice I have received is: the best way to take care of your business is to take care of your community and the best way to take care of your community is to take care of your business.
What three words best describe you: Three words that best describe me are stubborn, passionate, and chaotic.
How has your job changed since this pandemic? Two words: Toilet Paper!