Ryan Dulude
39 | Director of Financial Aid, Community College of Vermont
Residence: ChittendenCareer highlight you are most proud of:
Career highlight(s) you are most proud of: (one paragraph or less)
Every graduation at CCV, I’m reminded of the power of a dream and I am proud to have played a part (a small part, mind you) in thousands of Vermonters accomplishing their educational and career goals. Whether it is working with a partner on a new initiative, a colleague on a project, or with a student on their path, I’m mindful that the work I do has impact and is both a great opportunity and a special burden. I’m proud to have found a career that has blessed me with chances to contribute positively to my community and to grow and develop as a person and leader.
Community Involvement:
I serve on the board of the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC), where we work as a team to fulfill VSAC’s mission of ensuring all Vermonters have access to the education and training they need to pursue their career and life goals. I have been active in state, regional, and national financial aid organizations, including as president of our state financial aid organization, helping to advance the work of affordability for all students.
At the height of the pandemic, I along with a group of fellow parents helped create an early childhood education center, the Early Learning Center in Colchester, from the ashes of the Saint Michael’s College Early Learning Center. And, perhaps what I am most proud about, is coaching a t-ball team as part of Milton Little League for the past 3 years.
What motivated you to live and work in Vermont?
I was born and raised in Vermont and I can’t think of a better place for my wife and I to raise our children. The breadth and depth of what our state offers, the proximity to our families, and being a Vermonter helping fellow Vermonters are all attractive factors.
Favorite part of your job:
Paying for college is a complex, emotional, and anxiety-inducing topic. And when we get it right and you can see the realization and relief on a student’s face that this dream of theirs is now possible because they have a way to pay for it, it is one of the best things to witness. I’ve had students cry, jump for joy, and express deep appreciation, sometimes all in the same meeting! It is in those moments when I feel so closely connected to my why.
Most inspiring mentor and why:
I’m cheating by naming two: my parents. Though work ethic became a late blooming trait in my life, my parents have always exhibited the value of working hard for what you want and what you love, and that pride is a byproduct of that hard work. I’m cheating more: professionally, I have been blessed to have had so many great leaders to witness and learn from: Joyce Judy, Scott Giles, Katie Mobley, and Pam Chisholm.
What is the best career advice you have received?
1. To listen more than talk, and listen with curiosity.
2. You can only be yourself. Approach your work with unflinching authenticity.
Tell us something fun about yourself that few people know:
I was a journalism and mass communications major in college and, for my junior and senior year, I interned and then worked for WPTZ covering the Lake Monsters, Frost Heaves (R.I.P.), and UVM basketball and hockey games.
Favorite Vermont escape:
The Vermont woods. Whether it is a hike with my family or sitting in a blind on a crisp November morning, spending time in the Vermont woods brings me peace and perspective.
Favorite Vermont season:
Fall. The food, the weather, the comfy clothes, and the fleeting beauty that erupts across Vermont.
Favorite downtime activity:
Whatever involves my wife and children. My kids are at the age where they still enjoy spending time with us so we are soaking up every moment and capturing every memory during this era of our lives. If they aren’t available, then it is likely watching (and complaining about) the Red Sox or Patriots.
Favorite Social Media and why:
Facebook, because I’m an old Millennial and that’s where I maintain my connections.
Person you would most like to share a Vermont beverage with:
Barack Obama.
If you had unlimited access to funds, which cause(s) would you support:
Supporting the work of children’s hospitals. Speaking from my experience, the people working at children’s hospitals perform little seen miracles every day for the families in their care. They have carried my family and I through times that there is no instruction manual to get through and done it with a gentle kindness.
What one song is on your playlist that are you embarrassed to tell your best friend:
Most of what I listen to is kid songs these days (Everything is Awesome!), but I do have an entire Taylor Swift playlist that Spotify tells me I listen to more than the average bear.